West Coast Health

West Coast Health is a primary health organisation

Account Manager:

Katie Slaughter

Lead Designer:

Ben Auton

West Coast Health is a not-for-profit community trust that plans, coordinates, funds, and provides primary health care for West Coasters.

We start projects with a thorough understanding of where things are at, both for our clients and for the markets they operate in. Prior to beginning the design of the West Coast PHO website project, we undertook detailed qualitative research in the form of targeted focus groups. This was to ensure the diverse needs of the West Coast community were heard and then actioned in the development of the content, in the design of the navigation, and in the user experience of the new website.

Our team worked closely with the West Coast PHO project team to define the research objectives, target audience and key questions. Through these focus groups, we gained access to some compelling insights which led to the outcomes we have today, a new name – say hello to West Coast Health!, a new brand identity, which enhances the organisation’s resonance and community presence, and a modern, user friendly and intuitive website.

We love collaboration, and for this project we were fortunate to work with two of the best. Local artist Tony Manuel developed the artwork for the logomark, and The Logic Studio seamlessly provided the website build.

This project is a great example of many moving parts coming together to achieve the best outcome for our client and for the community they support.

West Coast Health Branding Materials
West Coast Health Brand Colours and Logo
West Coast Health Logo
West Coast Health Posters
West Coast Health Brand Guidelines
West Coast Health Website on a laptop
West Coast Health Vehicle Branding
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